a story by birding friend wade about an experience he had in the early ‘70s.
at the end, another memory from erika.
the footage is from here and there across the years and seasons.
"i am the breeze that nurtures all things green...i am the rain coming from the dew that causes the grasses to laugh with the joy of life." —hildegard of bingen
"wisdom and moral action, prajñā and sila, are seen as inseparable as two hands washing each other." —joanna macy
meditations with footage filmed at sou'wester, cape disappointment, and nahcotta tidelands
the title of this film is pulled from a quote by agnes varda in the gleaners and i (2000),
and the meditative refrain "breathing in/i know i am breathing in" is by thich nhat hanh

Left: Lord, I’m afraid. Seagrass, morning pages, thread, fur, and driftwood.
Right: Nettles three ways. Wax pastel on paper.